
2022 OHDSI-Location_Transportation and Accommodation

Date: 2022-07-21
Hit: 601

中文 / English


地址: 110 臺北市信義區吳興街250

電話: 02-2736-1661



  1. 搭公車 : 1號、22(含區間車)226號、266(含區間車)288號、33號、37號、38號、 5(臺北醫學大學站)
  2. 搭市民小巴7 (臺北醫學大學附設醫院站)
  3. 搭捷運 (轉本校附設醫院接駁車) :
    1. 捷運板南線-市政府站2號出口處,每10分鐘一班專車接駁 (19:30後每30分鐘一班)
    2. 文湖線-六張犁站唯一出口往基隆路方向的公車站牌處候車,尖峰時間每15分鐘一班,離峰時間每30分鐘一班車接駁。
    3. 淡水信義線-象山3號出口上樓後往前直行第一個避車彎候車,約每40分鐘一班接駁。



  1. 走國道3 : 由信義快速道路下來進入信義路,左轉松仁路,右轉松勤街,左轉松智路後直行過莊敬路約再300公尺,左側即可見臺北醫學大學校園。
  2. 走環東大道 : 由基隆路下,直行往台北市政府方向,左轉松高路、右轉松智路後直行過莊敬路約再300公尺,左側即可見臺北醫學大學校園。









地址: 110台北市信義區光復南路495

電話: 02 8780 8000





The Main Venue:

Taipei Medical University Comprehensive Medical Building (Front Building) 4 floor Cheng-Pu Conference Hall.

Address250 Wu-Hsing Street, Taipei city, Taiwan 110


By the Taipei Metro

  1. Take the MRT Bannan Line(blue line) to Taipei City Hall Station Exit 2 and then take the shuttle bus to School every 10 min.
  2. Take the MRT Wenhu Line(Brown Line) to Liuzhangli Station and then take the shuttle Bus at the bus stop near the keelung road to School every 15 min.
  3. Take the MRT Tamsui-Xinyi Line(Red Line) to Taipei 101 / World Trade Center Station and then take the shuttle Bus to School every 40 min.
  4. The school is located near MRT Taipei 101 / World Trade Center (Red Line), Taipei City Hall (Blue Line) and Liuzhangli (Brown Line) stations, and TMU provides shuttle services to MRT Taipei City Hall and Liuzhangli stations.

By Car

  1. By National Highway No. 3 : Get off Xinyi Expressway and enter Xinyi Road, turn left on Songren Road, turn right on Songqin Street, turn left on Songzhi Road and go straight through Zhuangjing Road for about 300 meters, you will see the Taipei Medical University campus on the left.
  2. Huandong Avenue : Get off Keelung Road, go straight towards Taipei City Hall, turn left on Songgao Road, turn right on Songzhi Road, then go straight across Zhuangjing Road for about 300 meters, you will see the Taipei Medical University campus on the left.

By Bus

Public transportation to TMU includes bus lines 266, 288, 226, 1, 235, 22, 33 and Blue 5.



Pacific Business Hotel

Address: 11F, No. 495, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei, 11074, Taiwan

Tel: +886-2-8780-8000

Official Website: